Ok, ok, don't soil yersel, but I am finally writing in my blog agin. There hasn't been much exciting to write about lately, but then along comes the Utah Scottish Festival at Thanksgiving point, Yee Haa! My favorite time of year, alas it is far too short.
Well June first marks my two and a half year mark on the bagpipes. I decided it was time to go Legit! Therefore, I entered the Solo Bagpipe competitions at the annual Highland Festival (You all know me, I am not one to start small and work up. No I just jump right in there)
This is a picture of me piping on Memorial Day at a local
So anyway, I decided to enter three events; The "2/4 March", "the Slow March", and the "Piobairaechd" (That is Gaelic, it simply means pipe music, and is the ancient music played back in the early 1700's). Well the fateful day arrived, and so, I donned my Celtic garb, laced up my Piper Gillies, and headed off to do battle with more than 17 other accomplished pipers, most of whom have been playing far longer than I. I don't need to lay before you the awful scene of fear and trembling that was the embodiment of my feeble frame. Nor will I attempt to describe the odeous emmitances that came from my fear gripped.... Ok that might be a bit of a stretch, let's just say I was a wee bit nervous.
As I approached the first judge, (Piobairaechd) I managed to say the name of my tune. "Hi, My name is Robert Jacob and I'll be Playing...." Oh no! Not now, come on brain, don't do this to me. Don't retreat into the recesses of the mostly empty cavern of Bob's scull to hide, not now! "I am playing... Oh ya, Sir James McDonald of the Isles, Lament" Whew! That was close.
"Ok, whenever your ready", Said the judge, as if he were simply ordering a pizza. As luck would have it, the angry dark sky decided to display its resentment to my forthcomiing offering, and began showering us with a light rain, Oh Great! I played on despite the angry mob forming off by the trees. I played on despite the glowing torches arrayed in mass to thwart me.
And so it went, After all three events were concluded, and all was said and done, oh wait, one more little interesting fact. As I walked to the small tent to perform my 2/4 march in looked for the judge and saw instead a sight that froze my heart. There seated in the judges chair was none other than Aaron Shaw, the piper of the Wicked Tinkers. This couldn't be, I must have the wrong spot. I walked up to him and asked if he was judging the 2/4 march and he said he was. Oh Great! As if it being my first competition wasn't bad enough, now I have to be judged by the greatest piper I have ever seen.
It actually was a real treat. Aaron and I had become friends over the past three highland games and he was really happy to judge my performance. He had some great tips as well to help me.
Well, when all was said and done this is how the competition shook out:
1. Piobairaechd 5th place
2. 2/4 March 5th Place
And finally, (drum roll please)
3. Slow March 2nd Place (Complete with silver medal) Whoo Hooo!
That's the news, I will post the video of my Slow March performance soon. Bye all.
1 comment:
Congrats! And is "Yee Haa" a Scottish term?
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