"I guess it all started the day I found that old journal left to me by Great Grandpa Meiklejohn. He was a character, that's fer sure. He was one brave Son of a .... uh... ahem, what I mean is he sure had the pioneer spirit."
The old man looked down at his beautiful Granddaughters, Emma and Ethnie, with an awkward embarrassment. He was cut from the old cloth, and sometimes slipped when it came to social etiquette and proper speech.

"What was it you wanted to know.... Oh yes, I remember. What made me decide to learn the Bagpipes. Well, as I was saying, Ole Grandpa Meiklejohn was a true Scott. He lived a hard life. Why, when he was just a little older than you two, his father just up and died. There he was, the oldest of the family, and only thirteen years old. He did what he had to do. "
The old man paused a moment and looked again at the two beautiful girls at his feet. He reached down and caressed each of their cheeks with his large calloused hands. In his mind he struggled for the words that would express the deep feelings he held for his Grandfather, and for the cultural legacy that was passed down to him. After a moment he continued,
"Ya know, a wise man once said, 'Ya can't know who ya are, if ya don't know where ya been.' Do you know what I'm talkin about?
The two young girls simply shook their heads. Perhaps they were two young. In time, they would come to know of what the old piper spoke, but for now it was enough just to be together, so the old man decided to save his reflections for a later time. Reaching down, he scooped both girls up and plopped them on his lap.
"Let's just say that I'm a Scott, and playin the bagpipes is what Scott's do. Ya want ta know a secret?"
Both of the girl's eyes grew as big as saucers as they nodded their heads enthusiastically.
"Well listen close then."
The girls leaned in close as the old piper whispered, soft and low,
"You two are Scottish lasses too! Never forget that. It's what makes ya who ya are."
The old man held the two close and gave them each a kiss on the cheek,
"Off with ya now, there's more important things ta do than listenen to an ole fool tellin stories."
As he watched the two bound off into the yard, full of the overflowing exuberance that was youth, he felt a warmth and a pride in his heart. A pride born of a grand heritage and a noble posterity. He was content.