To My Dad
Oh what a time of joy and bliss, A day for a moment’s pause
And with Respect and pious air, Reflect on old dad's flaws
He's old enough to be Noah's kin and oft smells that way as well
And his humor is hard to place at times but it is as welcome as tongue can tell
His hair is grey from a life of well spent and his face shows the creases of time
His eyes once bright and full of life are still so, but now more sublime
His pace has slowed, and he rests more now, but he still needs noone’s hand
For of all the things that are the man, independence is his one sure brand
His legacy is the life he led and the lessons given, one by one
They shaped and molded tiny minds, who grew to touch the sun
He was always their, if our way grew hard, but would never interfere
He understood that for us to grow we must walk alone without fear
He was tough as nails and not oft prone, to love’s acknowledged verbal refrain
Yet we knew those things from his constant care, and his giving with nothing to gain
So on we walked down the road of our life, content knowing he would be by our side
And we travel along with a new flock in tow, these who look to us as their guide
So on this day of reflective repose, It’s to you dad my thoughts are drawn
For I love you so much, and that grows every day, as I think what for me you have done
You have given me life, and taught me to work, to be true, and honest and right
And all that I do is to bring, to you, pride at having taken the time in my life
So here’s to you dad, on this day of days, my it be one that is filled with peace
At knowing that we, who your name do pass on, are worthy, and strong and free
We will continue to teach and to foster the care, of those with whom we have charge
So that they will learn to carry with pride, the great Jacob name that is ours
Happy Fathers Day,
We love you,
Laura, Bob and the whole family